Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 48 - 24 hours worth of rain

When I woke up today it was raining, and as I prepare to go to bed it is still raining outside. To top it off, at no time in between was it ever not raining. Welcome to Southeast Alaska! Dr. Dee is out of town this weekend, but he left me the key to his apartment so I could go over there and do laundry. He also has a TV, a nice leather couch, and wireless internet so I decided to spend the day there. Between all of the traveling and my busy schedule I have not gotten a chance to do laundry many times - there are some articles of clothing that have been in the bottom of my laundry basket so long I forgot I brought them to Alaska with me.

In the afternoon I met up with the Wilkinson's and went to the movies. We saw two movies - Toy Story 3 and Grown Ups. It was a good way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon. We all had dinner at The Valley Restaurant and then headed back home.

Usually, Juneau has a fireworks show at midnight on July 3rd since it is too bright until about 11 on the 4th. However, due to the poor weather, the fireworks were delayed until tomorrow (the 4th) at midnight. So I went from potentially being one of the first people to celebrate the 4th of July with fireworks to probably being the last. Tomorrow there is a big parade and carnival downtown so I hope that the weather clears up. I have gotten used to the rain, but I hope it warms up a bit to make it feel a bit more like the 4th of July I am used to.

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